Parent Consultations
Parent consultation sessions helps to explore your own childhood, how you were parented and how this is impacting on your parenting with your child(ren). By learning and understanding your own narrative, it helps to break old patterns of behaviour/reactions; which help to strengthen and develop your relationship with your child(ren). I also incorporate parenting strategies to support you with the above.
The Parent Consultations help in the following ways:
You will have a space to explore your own feelings and difficulties without being judged and what’s coming in the way of your parenting.
You will be given a range of tools/strategies to help with your own development, responding to your child and supporting the family as well.
These sessions would help to break old patterns of parenting style that are not healthy.
Connecting with yourself – by not feeling guilt, shame or anxiety because of your own past difficulties
Helping to build a strong and happy relationship with your child(ren).
Session duration: 50 minutes
Initial Assessment Service
Initial assessment is where I take full information on the young person; developmental history, school, behaviour and current mental state.
The parent(s) and the young person complete screening questionnaires in conjunction with the assessment to get a thorough understanding of what’s going on for your child.
The Initial Assessment Service is useful:
To provide information to access support from Specialist service.
Supporting information for health insurances to get the appropriate treatment.
Initial assessments are useful to bring awareness to schools and other agencies in how to support the young person in and out of the classroom.
Helping you and the school to implement a safety plan, assessing risks and what steps to take to respond and support your child’s mental health.
The Price for an Initial Assessment is £210
This includes:
The Initial Assessment
Screening questionnaires to support the assessment
Follow up telephone call